
Hi to Wednesday!

on 8/19/14 10:02 pm - Bradenton, FL

I need my coffee I'll be back in a bit talk on!

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Patricia R.
on 8/20/14 12:25 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,

I have a day to spend crocheting, and gathering some stuff for Colleen's yard sale this weekend.  She was hoping to start it tomorrow, but she doesn't have stuff priced.  I'm going to take the kids for an hour or so tomorrow, to give her time to price things.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow, most of the day, so I'll probably take them bowling again.  

Need to take my shower, then get back to crocheting.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/20/14 6:26 am


I was watching a program on making money by selling you stuff. They said for garage and yard sales that it is better not to price stuff. Do best offer, and have a lowest price in mind. Ofter buyers will offer more than you would  have priced stuff. Plus it saves a lot of time. :~)

Connie D.
on 8/20/14 2:03 am

Good morning Carla and Trish and everyone......

I guess Carla got side tracked...I have been waiting for her to come back and finish her post.

Tri**** will be so helpful for Colleen if the kids aren't there. That way she can get things done more quickly. You are a good mom and grandma!!

As for me....I couldn't get back to sleep....I woke up at 3:00 AM.....now I am getting sleepy.....almost time for lunch and then my haircut and color. I will probably fall asleep in the chair!! 

I will check back in later to see who else posts.

Wishing you all a good day!!!

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family. Special prayers for some like Vickie and Butch Jennifer,Eileen and her friend Richard. God Bless them all.

Much love and lots of hugs for all....connie d

on 8/20/14 3:32 am, edited 8/20/14 3:36 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Carla, Trish, Connie and all my OFF sistas!

We are doing much, much better today. Butch is taking his pain pills on a regular schedule (every 6 hours) and it has made all the difference. He says his pain level is a 2/10 today. Thank you Lord! And he’s eating and drinking again. No more nausea, no more diarrhea. I think he is on the mend.

You know, I have never seen dehydration before. That’s some truly awful stuff. All of his systems were just shutting down. He was in renal failure. His blood pressure was 60/45. He was just before having heart failure. How could I not have recognized what was happening???

So, it’s good that the home health nurse is going to start coming now. She’s only going to come once a week to start, but more frequently the week right after chemo. Also PT is coming today or tomorrow. He really needs help in regaining his strength and muscle tone. We will decide how frequently PT will come after this initial evaluation. I’m thinking 2 or 3 times a week.

I am feeling better, too. I’m still tired. Being at the mercy of the alarm tones on my clock every 3 hours is wearing, but doable. Especially since my husband isn’t groaning and writhing in pain anymore! We plan to keep him on the every 6 hour schedule (he has two pain meds—I have each one on every six hours, but staggered, you know? Thus every 3 hours the alarm rings) for the next day or two, and then ease back into the every 8 hour schedule. I am so thankful that he isn’t hurting today. It’s just awful to watch someone suffer like that.

I’ve been crocheting while watching movies on TV.  And I'm terribly behind on all my chores.  Oh, well, it will all get done eventually.  

Jennifer, I want you to know that I am praying for you.  I'm so sorry you got the news about another lump.  I HATE CANCER!!!  Everyone is praying for you, sweetie.  Do not give up on yourself!  Are you on FB?  So many of us are there.  Would love it if you were there, too.  We send inspirational posts to one another all the time.  It does help.  

Carla, saw your new ride on FB.  Lovely!  

Trish, I wish we could get together in the afternoons and crochet together!  Wouldn't that be fun?    

Connie, I hope you have a nice easy day today and can rest yourself.  Please, please, don't go shopping with Pam again today!!!  LOL!  She wears you down to a frazzle!  

Eileen, waiting to hear more word on Richard.  OMG, girlfriend.  He is going down fast.  Please don't let him suck you down into the sink hole with him.  I know you are his friend, but there's such a thing as self-preservation too.  I agree with Connie.  It's time for his family to step in, if they will.  You are a good friend, but you are too fragile yourself to hold anyone else up for an extended period of time.  And Richard seems determined to self-destruct.  That's going to require more than just friendship.  He needs professional help.  God bless you for all you have tried to do for him.    

And God bless all of you for the love, support and friendship we have among our OFF family.  I have never belonged to a group like this before.  Ladies, y'all are amazing!!!  

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 8/20/14 6:46 am

Hi Vickie...what a blessing to hear that Butch is doing so much better. All the extra help you are having should help so much!!!

It is amazing what dehydration can do. He couldn't drink enough to stay healthy. I am glad that is resolved!

I went and got all my long blonde hair cut off...I love it!! It feels so light and cool. My daughters and grandchildren love it!! I don't know how to post pics as I am computer illiterate. If you can visualize Sharon Stones pixie cut...that is what it is. I need to go weigh myself as I am sure I lost at least 5 pounds!!

Have a great day....prayers, love and hugs...connie d

on 8/20/14 1:07 pm - Cibolo, TX

Hi Connie!  I wish we could see your hair!!!  Maybe one of your marvelous grandchildren can help you post a new picture for us?  I know you look very pretty!




Judy G.
on 8/20/14 5:52 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!!

I agree!!! We DO have an amazing group here!!!!   What a sisterhood we have formed and most of us have not met in person!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!

Well we had on heck of a storm in the middle of the night...Bandit woke me up with his barking and letting me know he would "save" me from it!!! LOL Every clap of thunder he was in my face letting me know!!! More can happen yet today and the rest of the week. YIKES!!!!!

Was on FB last night chatting with a friend of mine on there and he is HUGE and he is trying on his own to lose weight...has done pretty good so far...still HUGE...going for shots in his back...has to be off his blood thinners for a week...now this is the scary part...he has not been off them since 1982 because of blood clots!! He still gets them EVEN BEING ON THE BLOOD THINNERS!!!! So what I am asking is please if you would keep Wayne in your prayers for awhile. I told him you all would because you are such a great group of friends!!! He said GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! I have never met this guy...he went to school with my nephew. I met him through my nephew on FB. Very nice guy. TONS OF HEALTH PROBLEMS!!!! OMG!!!! When he told me about them I am shocked he is still alive!!! He has tried to get WLS but was told he had to lose 300 pounds first. He has and said he has done that on his own so why bother going under the knife? He is doing great on the diet dr gave him to follow!! I applaud him!!!!  He has a great outlook on life and I am sure he can make it...so if you would pray for him. Thankyou!!!!

Well one of the tenants came to me this morning and said her dog was attacked by the feral cats last night!!  She just got a little 6 pound chihauhaua and the poor thing was attacked by a group of these dam cats!!! I have told the tenants that have been feeding them not to and yet they still do and this is why they are still here!!! Anyhow she called the dog warden and was told they will NOT do anything about feral cats!!!!! She can rent live traps from humane society for $10 EACH and when she brings them back gets $5 back on each one. Yippee! She asked if we could shoot them. NO! WTH??? They are ATTACKING HER DOG!!!!!!! Sorry you can't shoot the cats!! So now what? She is on a fixed income. We can't get the live traps either. I made a newsletter and put it in black and white and stressed the RULES AND REGULATIONS ON FEEDING STRAY ANIMALS!!!!!!! Also letting their OWN cats run free and not having them spayed or neutered!!! I also said I would turn them in to corporate if I caught them still feeding the strays!!!!!!!! Not sure that will work or not but worth a try!!! I am sick of these tenants doing what they want against the rules of living here and they are NOT MY RULES!!!!!!! I just enforce them!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant......

So that's it for me today...going to FB and play my games and hide......

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!


Connie D.
on 8/20/14 6:56 am

Hi Judy.....Now it is the cats....it is their own fault....they feed them. Sorry the dog got hurt but that isn't your problem either. She better be watching that dog closer!!

Yeah right...Rick is supposed to shoot cats now....OMG!!!

I will add Wayne to my prayer list. He is doing great! I hope he can keep the weight loss going!!

Love ya....HUGS....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 8/20/14 6:20 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

I think Carla got sucked into Starbucks. That's some long cup of coffee!

I'm so glad Butch is doing better, Vickie. It's really important he gets those pain  pills on a regular basis before the pain takes hold (I knows this well!). And having a nurse come in will be a lot of help, as well as PT. 

As for me and Richard, well, the saga continues. I let his mother know ... I figured if I was in the hospital, I would want my mom to know (or someone in my family). She called me this morning and thanked me. She sounds like a cool old Southern lady. Richard said I would like her. He was right. She said she had her other son call the hospital and find out what was happening, then relay it to her (which is what my brothers would do, because my mom doesn't hear or understand things well). But she was very thankful I told her what was going on. I told her I was going to see him, which I did. He looks better today, but he is still slurring his speech, having problems swallowing, he's still twitching a lot. They're going to do dialysis again today. I brought him his iPad and the other stuff in his bag, plus then I went and bought him a plug so he could plug his iPad in to charge it (he has some at home, but I'm worried what I'll find in there ... I may enlist my cleaning lady there). 

Didn't stay really long; went there after I got my car from the surgicare center. My current boss, Joan, drove me over there and I explained what was happening. She couldn't believe what I had gone through. Needless to say, Richard will not be my driver on future appointments. Can't trust him anymore. I really think he ought to go back and live with his mom or other relative. He's not taking care of himself and I can't take care of him. I have enough to take care of me and Juliette. Right now, he's saying he's staying another month in his apartment because he's not ready to move. Well, I don't think I'm ready to have him here in his condition. 

So after all that, I came home and empty two bags of frozen meatballs in my slow cooker, added in three jars of pasta sauce, cut up two green peppers that were going to go bad and turned it on low. That will be dinner tonight. I've got a bottle of red wine that I bought in Springfield, Ill., that I'll have with it. I made some brownies out of a mix that I'll bring to work tomorrow. And I did two loads of wash. Sounds busy, but really, I'm just chilling. It's hot and humid out and staying inside.

Need to take out a load from the dryer and put a load from the washer into the dryer. Such an exciting life I lead! I'll take this day anytime.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04





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